With the start of
the new year there Has been a veritable brouhaha
around some of the new progressive house members like Alexandria
Ocasio Cortez and others who are long on personality and enthusiasm to turn around the
lumbering cruise ship of the Democratic
Party. At the top of their agenda is recognition of the looming spectacle of
climate change. Their answer is a brave attempt to bring back the old concept
of a Green New Deal first proposed more than a decade ago. The Green New Deal
modeled along Roosevelt’s New deal is a legislative attempt to combat rising
carbon emissions driving worldwide climate change. Their goal is to radically
change the energy mix in the US from one based on fossil fuels to 100%
renewable energy by 2030. There have been similar proposals from other states
and cities and countries along these lines, notably California going 100%
renewable by 2045. This post is an attempt to examine the feasibility of their
proposal. The link of their entire proposal is here. I will paste some of the
specifics from that proposal . The proposal is readable and includes
a long FAQ about the proposal which I urge the reader to examine. I have not been able to find any constructive
criticism of the Green New Deal anywhere
so with nothing left to lose I will now jump into the breech and lend my
two cents. Here are some of the specifics:

(A) The Plan for a Green New Deal (and the draft legislation)
shall be developed with the objective of reaching the following outcomes within
the target window of 10 years from the start of execution of the Plan:
Dramatically expand existing renewable power sources and deploy
new production capacity with the goal of meeting 100% of national power demand
through renewable sources;
building a national, energy-efficient, “smart” grid;
upgrading every residential and industrial building for
state-of-the-art energy efficiency, comfort and safety;
eliminating greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing,
agricultural and other industries, including by investing in local-scale agriculture
in communities across the country;
eliminating greenhouse gas emissions from, repairing and improving
transportation and other infrastructure, and upgrading water infrastructure to
ensure universal access to clean water;
funding massive investment in the drawdown of greenhouse gases;
making “green” technology, industry, expertise, products and
services a major export of the United States, with the aim of becoming the
undisputed international leader in helping other countries transition to
completely greenhouse gas neutral economies and bringing about a global Green
New Deal.
The Plan for a Green New Deal (and
the draft legislation) shall recognize that a national, industrial, economic
mobilization of this scope and scale is a historic opportunity to virtually
eliminate poverty in the United States and to make prosperity, wealth and
economic security available to everyone participating in the transformation. In
furtherance of the foregoing, the Plan (and the draft legislation) shall:
provide all members of our society, across all regions and all
communities, the opportunity, training and education to be a full and equal
participant in the transition, including through a job guarantee program to
assure a living wage job to every person who wants one;
diversify local and regional economies, with a particular focus on
communities where the fossil fuel industry holds significant control over the
labor market, to ensure workers have the necessary tools, opportunities, and
economic assistance to succeed during the energy transition;
require strong enforcement of labor, workplace safety, and wage
standards that recognize the rights of workers to organize and unionize free of
coercion, intimidation, and harassment, and creation of meaningful, quality, career
ensure a ‘just transition’ for all workers, low-income
communities, communities of color, indigenous communities, rural and urban
communities and the front-line communities most affected by climate change,
pollution and other environmental harm including by ensuring that local
implementation of the transition is led from the community level and by
prioritizing solutions that end the harms faced by front-line communities from
climate change and environmental pollution;
protect and enforce sovereign rights and land rights of tribal
mitigate deeply entrenched racial, regional and gender-based
inequalities in income and wealth (including, without limitation, ensuring that
federal and other investment will be equitably distributed to historically
impoverished, low income, deindustrialized or other marginalized communities in
such a way that builds wealth and ownership at the community level);
include additional measures such as basic income programs,
universal health care programs and any others as the select committee may deem
appropriate to promote economic security, labor market flexibility and
entrepreneurism; and
deeply involve national and local labor unions to take a
leadership role in the process of job training and worker deployment.
(C) The Plan for a Green New Deal (and the draft legislation) shall recognize that innovative public and other financing structures are a crucial component in achieving and furthering the goals and guidelines relating to social, economic, racial, regional and gender-based justice and equality and cooperative and public ownership set forth in paragraphs (2)(A)(i) and (6)(B). The Plan (and the draft legislation) shall, accordingly, ensure that the majority of financing of the Plan shall be accomplished by the federal government, using a combination of the Federal Reserve, a new public bank or system of regional and specialized public banks, public venture funds and such other vehicles or structures that the select committee deems appropriate, in order to ensure that interest and other investment returns generated from public investments made in connection with the Plan will be returned to the treasury, reduce taxpayer burden and allow for more investment.
As you can see this is an
ambitious plan that goes far beyond simple measures to reduce CO2 emissions
such as a carbon tax and calls for eliminating gender inequality, protection
for tribal rights, job retraining for oil, gas and coal workers, universal
income and universal health care and other goals. It would take a book to
respond to the entire platform and my goal is examine just the energy and
economic feasibility of their ideas. The first goal is to:
- Dramatically expand existing renewable power sources and deploy new production capacity with the goal of meeting 100% of national power demand through renewable sources;
- Dramatically expand existing renewable power sources and deploy new production capacity with the goal of meeting 100% of national power demand through renewable sources;
It is important to note
the phrase : dramatically expand
Here is an exceedingly
understandable graph of energy use by source and sector in the US in 2017 taken
from the EIA:energy units are in quadrillion btu(10 to the 15th btu)
with percent in parentheses underneath:
This graph is worthy of a careful perusal and I will repeatedly refer back
to it. As I have mentioned in previous blog posts, the way energy is
quantified is confusing and has a myriad of units, For example natural gas
energy content is in cubic feet(1000 cubic feet), oil is in barrels, coal is in
tons and electricity in kilowatts. All of these energy sources could be and
should be converted to a unitary standard of energy which is the joule but alas
this is rarely done but the graph above does break it down into percentages
which for our purposes will have to suffice. Since we are talking about renewable
energy in the Green New Deal, let’s do a breakdown concentrating on just the
renewable energy segment. In this case I am talking about just electrical
Electricity consumption
is 38% of the energy used in the US and
electricity is generated from fossil fuels, nuke fuels and renewables.
Renewables only account for about 1/6(17%) of electricity generation with the
bulk from hydro dams(7.4%), wind(6.3%) all solar(2.6%). The balance of that 17%
is accounted for by wood, biomass and geothermal sources. It is no surprise
that for the last decade it has been wind and solar growing the fastest but as
of a year ago wind and solar only counted for a bit over half of all renewable
energy(.524). That means half of the 17% renewable contribution to electricity
generation or only 8.9 %(.524X17%). In other words electricity was still over
91% fossil and nuke supplied. Here is a diagram of current renewable electricity
contributions courtesy of Gail Tverberg:
Let’s back up now and
try to see the big picture:global climate change brought on by ever increasing
emissions. Notice my assumption: CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels
is the dominant variable causing global warming. If you consider that assumption
a hoax like Donald Trump, then embarking upon a massive attempt to reduce or eliminate
CO2 emissions is totally unnecessary and a waste of time and money. What’s more
the link between energy consumption and living standards and economic growth is undeniable. Here is a slide from a recent presentation by Gail Tverberg to the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers):
The careful reader will
note her tacit assumption about energy consumption and economic growth. This is
a FUNDAMENTAL POINT of my blog. Another fundamental point is the link between
energy(consumption) and wealth.More
than a decade ago I was puzzling over concepts of wealth and money and
economics. Where does wealth come from? Why has wealth production grown so much
in the last few hundred years? Is there a link between population growth and
wealth? What is the common thread among these and many others over the past 200
years in that period we now call the Industrial Revolution? It came to me
rather suddenly one day: ENERGY !
That is the link. THE link. Energy
has always been the link but what is different in the past few hundred years from human use of energy? The answer is cheap
fossil energy. It is that abundance of inexpensive seemingly inexhaustible
energy which almost totally replaced muscle energy from humans and animals and
allowed the creation of machines and extraction of the earth’s resources using technology that flowed like river from this
new wellspring of energy. Freeing up human and animal muscle energy and
replacing it with fossil energy running machines allowed massive exponential increases in food production for
example, which naturally allowed exponential increases in human reproduction.
Exponential increases in resource extraction and products derived from these
fossil resources followed. Freeing up human and animal hands allowed humans new
opportunities to provide services. In
just the wink of an eye in the history of human evolution we went from gathering
roots and firewood to cook them to stepping down upon the surface of the moon.
All this progression in complexity and technology was made possible by
unlocking and harnessing the bond energy between three elements: carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen. Bingo! I thought to myself. Wealth flows from that bond
energy as does population growth, economic growth, improvements in education and
health…………..you name it. The industrial revolution was caused by the
availability and utilization of a cheap new energy source. Just one problem was
immediately obvious. All this new energy was the lucky consequence of a few
hundred million years of algae and fossils percolating down through the world’s
oceans where it decomposed and was covered up with sediments and altered by
temperature and pressure into oil and gas. On the land a similar process of
carbon and hydrogen containing plants fell to the floor of vast forests
accumulating and compressing over millions of years into coal and heavy
hydrocarbon layers. The problem? These hydrocarbons were FINITE. At the
beginning of the Industrial age they seemed infinite but now we know they are
finite. Fossil resources are just a few of the many other non renewable finite resources
of the planet. They are not renewable on a scale of human lifetimes. When these
resources are gone or too hard to find and extract, the rodeo is over. When the
energy from them dries up so does wealth creation, economic growth, economic
progress, pocket money…………….the advancement of human civilizations! Whew!
Really? That’s it? Yup, pardner. That’s it. But the economists and greenies
come scurrying out from behind the trees saying: Don’t worry. Be happy. We get
it. If that nasty dirty old coal and oil energy disappears, the market will
just substitute energy from somewhere else. Economic growth doesn’t have to
cease. Human advancement can continue using
renewable energy. Plus we can now save the planet by stopping burning those
stinky things. We don’t have to get our electricity from burning coal, oil and
gas and uranium to boil water to make
steam to spin a heavy copper generator. We can get it from the sun and the wind
which is a permanent renewable energy source. NOT! WRONG! These so called renewables
can only be built and maintained using
fossil energy. What’s more these
misnamed renewables have short life spans, only 15 to 30 years in the case of
wind and solar and somewhat longer in
the case of hydro. They can only be built and maintained, decommissioned and
perhaps recycled by using fossil energy, primarily diesel fuel. So you see they
are not renewable after all. Let’s call them what they really are: expendables or if you prefer NON-renewables.
Now back up again and go look at that source/sector graph from the EIA. Even if
we could get Tinkerbelle to wave her magic wand PRESTO!CHANGE-O! and move all
our electricity production to “expendables”
we have only cut our emissions 38%. We
still have 62% of all our national energy demand being met by fossil resources producing CO2.
What does the Green New Deal have to say about that? Here. Read it for
(1)upgrading every
residential and industrial building for state-of-the-art energy efficiency,
comfort and safety;
2. eliminating
greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing, agricultural and other
industries, including by investing in local-scale agriculture in communities
across the country;
3. eliminating
greenhouse gas emissions from, repairing and improving transportation and other
infrastructure, and upgrading water infrastructure to ensure universal access
to clean water;
4. funding massive
investment in the drawdown of greenhouse gases;
making “green”
technology, industry, expertise, products and services a major export of the
United States, with the aim of becoming the undisputed international leader in
helping other countries transition to completely greenhouse gas neutral
economies and bringing about a global Green New Deal.
Easy peasy. If you go
through that list of solutions you will see that we will have to insulate all
our buildings with what? Insulation derived from fossil derived sources like
foam or fiberglass which are “state of the art”? No more industrial agriculture
with giant diesel powered tractors and combines tending 50,000 acre wheat
farms. We will go local Ag. We will all be like yours truly with chickens, a
Jersey milk cow, pigs and sheep and a
big garden. We won’t get our fertilized pesticide laced GMO produce, meat and milk from giant farms
in California’s Central Valley carried by semis to Walmart. Sounds good
to me. After all that is what we do here at Rendezvous Mountain Farm. But what
about all those other poor slobs in
sprawling subdivisions and big city apartments who have to commute to their
miserable cubicles on SUV clogged freeways?
Can they go local and grow their own food and slop their pigs like we do in
rural Wyoming? There are probably many people who would like to be able to do
that and a few who already have but we are stuck with a suburban sprawl gas
powered happy motoring model which uses 92% of the oil, 25% of that imported. The
Green New Deal says get a self driving Tesla or ride on expanded mass
transport. These suggestions are on the surface good ones. After all they are
being used in some countries and cities around the world to a very limited
extent. For example the average European uses one half the energy of the
average American. I think a minimal goal would be for the Green New Deal to adopt a
European Energy standard. The Green Deal says the US can lead the world in
manufacturing, inventing and exporting green energy technology to the world.
There’s a new job for you and your kids. Now they can finally move out of the
basement with their master’s degree in sports communications and finally achieve
the American Dream. I won’t go over all the rest of their New Deal program with
its laundry list of wishin’ and hopin’. Their plan not clearly stated obviously
involves an entire restructuring of the American and world economy, how and
where we live and work. Even their specific recommendations are short on
specifics. For example if you want to reduce the consumption of a product you
have to add a disincentive to its use. You Tax it. Put consumption taxes on
products and services using fossil fuels.
Tax gas and diesel and jet fuel . The federal tax on commercial jet fuel is 4
cents/gallon. In Wyoming we add a whopping 5 cents.Commercial air travel is 3%
of world CO2 emissions. The simple expedient of adding just $2 or $3 tax to a gallon
of gas or diesel would lead to a sudden drop in US emissions. Is this
politically feasible? Talk to the yellow vests in France when they tried that.
I guess it should be apparent that I think
the well intentioned Green New Deal as proposed using vast funding from the
Federal Government in similar fashion to Roosevelt’s New Deal has less than a
snowball’s chance in hell of getting implemented as written. Here is their
answer to how this massive Deal will be paid for:
How will the government pay for these
- Many will say, “Massive government investment! How in the world can we pay for this?” The answer is: in the same ways that we paid for the 2008 bank bailout and extended quantitative easing programs, the same ways we paid for World War II and many other wars. The Federal Reserve can extend credit to power these projects and investments, new public banks can be created (as in WWII) to extend credit and a combination of various taxation tools (including taxes on carbon and other emissions and progressive wealth taxes) can be employed.
In other words it will
be paid for by yet more debt and possibly taxes but you will notice that nowhere
in the Green New Deal proposal is there an estimate of the costs. As I have
previously written the wealth to fund the New Deal or WW2 and even stupid
blunders like Viet Nam came from borrowing and this spending used real wealth derived from where? Fossil Fuels. It can be argued that the
Giant Bank bailout of 2008 using QE trillions was a colossal waste of money. It
benefited only the banks and large corporations(like the oil companies!) It
will never be paid back. My guess is that an estimate of the cost of a Green
NEW DEAL would be an order of magnitude greater. I expect someone will soon
come up with some estimates which will inform the discussion.Now I will try to
conclude this overly long blog by returning to what I see as the challenges
facing not just the US but the world : Global Climate Change and the end of
fossil fuels. The only real ultimate guaranteed
help for the planet’s heating climate will be the end of fossil fuels and the
question is will it happen in time? The planet will benefit from ending the use
of oil, gas and coal but it is hard to overestimate the havoc caused by the withdrawal of these energy generating
and wealth creating substances to the humans on the planet.

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