I have not been riding on my trusty horse Blog for reasons obvious to anyone who
lives here in this beautiful valley in NW Wyoming. There are a lot more
enjoyable ways to spend what little time we have than sitting in front of a
computer screen. The long string of subzero days and nights has unfortunately driven
me back to my mancave and I have been mulling over a fundamental concept. What
is wealth? From what does it derive? Is wealth money? Is money wealth?
This little
digression started with a comment by my son some time ago when he noted a
pundit commenting that so many $Trillions had “vanished” in the latest
downturn. This puzzled him, so he asked me “Where did those $Trillions go?” It
was an intelligent question and I tried to explain the disappearance as part of
a general “deleveraging” of wealth assets going on over the world. Money isn’t”
wealth”, I told him. Money is a symbolic representation of wealth. I knew I
wasn’t getting through to him when he insisted that if it was money, it had to go somewhere! His perception was
that money and wealth were equivalent, which would be true if our money was a
denarius or a Morgan silver dollar, or a $20 gold piece. Unless money was in a
cask on a Spanish Galleon going down in a hurricane off Hispaniola ending up
with the scallops, when one person lost money, another probably received it, a
zero sum transaction, voluntary or not.
conversation became a loop in my head leaping down axons to dendrites as I
mulled over the concept of wealth from a myriad of standpoints. It’s impossible
to escape money, the economy, and economic statistics on the state of the
economy flooding us non-stop from a media obsessed with economic news.
I fled as a
participant in the Sickcare industry some years back and I have been spending a
good part of my time catching up with my education that was interrupted by too
many years learning the medical trade. I
particularly wanted to study the dynamics of civilizations, their rise and fall,
and how our civilization has changed our world and how our changing world has
altered our societies. I began at the beginning with the Big Bang and ambled
cosmologically taking side trips into physics, astronomy, and geology, hop
scotching forward and backward and into
side alleys that looked interesting. As I examined the whole span of human
history, what stood out to me was the period after about 1750, which happened
to be the the nascent industrial revolution as the premier innovation of the past 350 years.
Within this revolution have been other important innovations starting positive
feedback loops helping to sustain and accelerate the changes which began the
Industrial Revolution.
But what has this got to do with wealth and money?? Coinage
had been in existence long before 1750 to facilitate trade and commerce and
economic growth. Why is there so much more wealth in the world now than in 1750
and will wealth continue to grow
exponentially in the same way going
There were
prominent thinkers at the time taking note of the changes, among them Adam
Smith who published “The Wealth of Nations”, widely regarded at the bible of
modern classical economics. Smith was by no means the first to think about
economics. There are a scattering of economic writings as far back as Aristotle
but Smith’s achievement was in laying out terms like capital and labor and
land and how they intersect to influence an economy. It is no coincidence that
the term capitalism came into being as the system that most adapted to the
industrial revolution in the West. Capitalism of course existed well before
1750 to facilitate trade and grow a nation’s wealth and influence and in it’s ancestral form was termed Mercantilism
which followed the feudalism period of the middle ages. But let’s get back to
wealth. There certainly was a lot of wealth before 1750. Wealthy civilizations existed
in the Mesopotamian and Harappan and Aztec and Mayan Civilizations. The Romans, the first big
Empire possessed enormous wealth. How did they accrue it? In the case of the
Romans, they largely took it from their neighbors. . There was wealth, then as
now, concentrated into few hands. Keep in mind that by the time Christ was
born, there were probably only 300 million people in the world. By 1750 it had about
doubled. By 1900 the number had more than doubled to 1.6 billion and the
doubling time up to the present has been getting shorter and shorter. Why did
it take so long to double the first time, 1700+ years, and why has the doubling
interval grown ever shorter? Could the industrial revolution have had something
to do with the exponential population boom? Up until the industrial revolution
population growth was largely linear but after the industrial revolution the
curve leapt up resembling a hockey stick, the classic yardstick of exponential
growth. About 1750 a lot of things beside population also started growing
exponentially, in this case Industrial Capital, industrial machines, energy production,food
production, and, wealth production. An
intelligent observer should always be wary of the classic trap that association
is not necessarily causation. I found early on in my quest that I had to
ruthlessly simplify, in much the same way that Occam’s Razor is used as a
technique of understanding a complex system. The Razor states that all things
being equal, the simplest explanation is often the best. This notion did not
start with Occam and in fact goes far back to Aristotle and Ptolemy. So I put
the origin of wealth creation into the simplest form: You need a resource. You
need people to harvest that resource and accumulate that resource. If the
harvest involves picking up or digging the resource, all able bodied people are
equal and the harder you work, the more resource you accumulate. It takes
energy to harvest a resource, in this case human energy. The next logical step
was to find ways to speed up the harvest. Get more people into the act but don’t
let them keep the resource. Time to invent Slavery. Animals were used as well because they
possessed a lot more energy than people. Thus we now have energy from labor
combined with a resource. Let’s say that this resource is copper and perhaps
other easily accessible metals. Early on, people discovered some nifty uses for
soft malleable copper. It made a nice plate, and decent tools. Someone discovered
that if you combined a soft metal like copper with another like tin or zinc,
and melted them together, you could get a much harder and stronger tool by
taking the energy of fire, the energy of a tool maker and producing something with value added above the value of the resource
itself. Thus was born the Bronze Age.
The clever tool and plate makers found ways to make their tools better and
faster and trading them for items the toolmakers needed, maybe livestock or
firewood or perhaps pretty stones for the toolmakers wife. It didn’t take long
for early prospectors to find other metals that were beautiful as well as
durable and portable, like gold and silver. The toolmaker could trade for these
and accumulate a pile of nuggets. Let’s call this capital. Whatever the
resource, if a person could take his ingenuity and his energy or that of a
slave to add value to a resource, he could then sell it for capital. Some of
these early capitalists then made just the accumulation of capital their goal.
A faster way to accumulate capital was to steal it, a little risky but a whole
lot easier. With more capital one could even hire his wife’s dim witted burly
brother to do his stealing. Find more knuckle draggers and maybe some smart
officer material and cut them in to a little of the action and you now have an
army who can steal on a bigger scale, again a whole lot easier than honest work.
This in fact became the basis of the Roman Empire, stealing the wealth of all
their neighbors and putting the vanquished to work making and growing things to
send back to Rome.
This worked real well for a long while as long as there were lands and peoples
to conquer but eventually the Roman armies smacked into the law of diminishing
returns and long supply chains. There were some pretty tough characters to the
north who had little of the wealth that the Romans wanted but who could acquit
themselves pretty well on their home terrain like the Teutoburg Forrest on the
banks of the Rhine which ended for good and forever Rome’s push north. Worthy opponents sprung up
like Hannibal who used cavalry tactics and elephants to defeat much larger
Roman Armies in the Punic Wars. Hannibal
by the way, utilized some really unusual tactics besides Elephants like catapulting
baskets full of poisonous snakes onto the enemy ships! By the end of the fifth
century it was all over and a thousand years later only livestock grazed on Rome’s Palatine Hill
overlooking what was left of the Forum.

Over the next 1300
years as world population increased slowly, forests were cleared, crops were
planted and towns were built mostly by hand or with the help of draft animals.
Wind and water power was utilized early on for transportation as well as in
grain mills. The energy for heat and for iron manufacture came initially from
wood and charcoal and gradually migrated to coal, a more concentrated form of
energy. The invention of the steam engine was a crucial first step helping to
kickstart and then drive early industrial
production. The first primitive models were used to pump water out of the coal
mines and then as water pumps generally. Improvements by James Watt and others
added efficiency and with modifications to produce rotational torque, steam
engines were used to power all manner of manufacturing machinery and as motive
power for tractors, ships and locomotives and eventually electrical power
generation. Today steam turbines generate the bulk of the world’s electricity.
It’s crucial to keep in mind that it isn’t steam that is creating this
seemingly limitless energy. It’s concentrated carbon in the form of coal, gas
and oil that provides the energy to generate steam and what a vast ocean of
energy it has been. It is the existence and consumption of vast almost FREE energy sources that has
powered and empowered the industrialization of the world. Fossil energy is
viewed as income to the industrial world, fuel to the industrial machines, a
magical powerful force that when channeled into man’s machines has displaced
the work of millions by virtue of its concentrated energy. One barrel of oil
is equivalent to 25000 hours of human labor, 12.5 years.Each American uses 25
barrels of oil a year, equivalent to 312 hard working laborers. If you include
gas and coal, it jumps to 700 laborers, or Energy “slaves.” Early economists
saw this energy as vast income to the society, to be treated as income to be
spent to enrich and benefit mankind. In a real sense, fossil fuels have been
THE source of our wealth both directly and indirectly. The countries that have
used the most fossil fuels per capita have historically been the wealthiest at
least in terms of GDP. It takes a vast amount of energy to power an industrial
society and the countries with the greatest fossil endowments and the capacity
to utilize fossil energy, Europe and the US, have up until recently been dominant
in the world economy. AS recently as the 1970’s, the US with 4-5% of the world’s
population was using 80% of the world’s oil. Even now that 4% of the population is still consuming 25% of
it’s oil. Economists are unanimous that it is energy that is the lifeblood of
our industrial economy. It is so obvious as to almost not bear mentioning. Mainstream
economists do not view Fossil fuels as capital or as EF Schumacher called them “natural
capital.” If it were viewed as capital, it might be seen as something to be
conserved and deployed when appropriate for the benefit of man, not as mere
income to be spent. I have seen comments by economists that fossil resources
are just one of many important natural resources necessary for a functioning industrial
economy. Should some fossil energy resources get in short supply, a modern
technologically driven economy will substitute other energy fuels to power the
economy. I can recall visiting a nuclear reactor in Oak Ridge TN
as a child and being told that nuclear power was the future of energy that would be “too cheap to meter”. I also recall
in the 1960’s when nuclear fusion research was in full flower. Pollution free Fusion power plants would be coming on line in just a few decades just in time to replace our aging first generation fission plants. Popular
Science magazine covers were full of dazzling views of cities of the future and
ideas as chimerical as an airplane in every garage. This unbounded faith in
future energy technology probably partially explains the collective yawn of
ridicule when M King Hubbert, a Shell geophysicist stood up and presented a
paper the the annual meeting of the American Petroleum Institute in San Antonio
Texas in 1956 and predicted that US oil production would peak in about 1970 and
fall thereafter roughly approximating a bell curve distribution. When 1970 came
and US
oil production plateaued and fell as he predicted, little was made of his 1956
presentation. In 1956 production was still rising but here 56 years later is
what the curve of US
oil production looks like:

It is not a beautiful Gaussian bell distribution. It
resembles the Grand Teton in my backyard with the secondary peak in the 1980’s representing
the giant Alaskan North Slope field That
little nipple at the far right is frac oil from the Bakken, the Eagle Ford and
other fields. It is a bigger nipple by now. EF Schumacher along with
other some non-mainstream economists has stated that Energy follows rules of
its own that may bear little relation to conventional supply and demand and
substitution concepts that so dominate classical economics. I regard Fossil Energy as the sine qua non of
our industrial economy, the bedrock source of wealth and that a shortage or
depletion of these fuels, primarily oil, will crash the industrial economy. My
opinion is a minority one shared by a few resource economists and a scattering
of energy and resource bloggers. Labor and capital existed long before free
fossil energy. Wealth was accumulated slowly. It took free concentrated fossil
energy combined with labor and capital to drive civilization up the hockey
stick of exponential growth.It is the consequences of that energy driven
exponential growth that I would like to cover in a future post. For now I would
like to summarize by saying that energy is the basis for and the root of our
industrial wealth.
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